…be less concerned to give up peculiarly national legal rules and practices in the proceedings. However, arbitration also aspires to be the preferred forum for users from very different legal…

…had recourse to the courts where a tribunal makes a procedural ruling which infringes the rules of natural justice. Where the tribunal’s procedural ruling infringes the rules of natural justice,…

…of their international treaty obligations; and they indicate as governing law just treaty provisions and applicable rules of international law, thus excluding states’ possibility to counterclaim. This is, for instance,…

…preservation sought: 51 for property preservation; 2 for evidence preservation; and 1 for conduct preservation; Administering arbitration institutions: HKIAC; Types of disputes: corporate, commercial, financial, maritime, sales and purchases of…

…to administer foreign-related arbitrations. Some of the proposed provisions are also in line with the relevant provisions of the 2018 HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules (“2018 Rules”). For example, both Article…

…me the Money Trail’ The second debate focused on whether the issues associated with third party funding in international arbitration have been adequately dealt with through our current rules framework,…

…against the simplicity and efficiency afforded by technology. The audience was pointed to developments in the International Bar Association (IBA) Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration, where…