…update their rules and compete against each other while emphasizing cost and time efficiency. This has made the arbitration route more attractive to clients and efficient for counsel. Key Concept…

…an in-depth analysis of the distinction between two definitions of international arbitration: “party-centric”, based on the nationality of the parties, and “place-centric”, taking into account where the arbitration takes place….

…ancient in its historical origin and ubiquitous in the contemporary practice of international law, arbitral institutional rules, and customary practice among parties and in different countries. It has enjoyed the

…provided on each arbitrator will support the credibility of self-reported information, such as experience with arbitral institutes and their rules, sector, applicable laws, or language. To learn more, visit: https://www.wolterskluwer.com/en/solutions/kluwerarbitration/practiceplus…

…a more precise assessment of damages taking into account both historic and future losses. One thing is sure, unless new investment agreements include compensation provisions for non-expropriatory breaches. Chorzow’s legacy…

…difficulties in investor-state arbitrations and commercial arbitrations, namely the difficulties in ascertaining the soft rules of a community and in holding companies and investors accountable for their actions. Ultimately, Ms….

rules, the Maritime Arbitration Rules of the Asia-Pacific Maritime Arbitration Center (“APMAC Rules”).11)The Maritime Arbitration Rules of the Asia-Pacific Maritime Arbitration Center. Although APMAC’s focus is on maritime disputes, the