…opportunistic behaviour of states? Would the expropriation risk and the costs of projects not increase by discarding Chorzów? Would discarding the Chorzów formula result in less investments? Benard V. Preziosi…

…However, he also mentioned that, in sports arbitrations, there was a greater transparency due to the nature of sports disputes (frequently parties want their names concealed), control of costs and…

…underscore similar perceptions and concerns, regarding the costs of arbitration, which exist in the literature and elsewhere in the dispute resolution community. If the perception of a protracted duration and…

…tribunals to consider the costs of obtaining TPF in granting the costs of the arbitration. It is widely accepted that arbitral tribunals have broad discretion to award costs (including both…

…delivering decisions which is one of the fundamental purposes of opting for the expedited procedure. Secondly, the costs of a sole arbitrator would also outweigh the costs of a three-member…