…of internalization of costs) have shaped distinctive (and at times, innovative) treaty choices. ASEAN’s bold positioning of collective investment rules however have suffered from internal contradictions, not least the puzzling…

…arbitral secretaries, including their appointment and removal, their duties, and remuneration for their costs and expenses. Consistent with the goal of increasing transparency, the Guideline stipulates particular expectations as to…

…submit their disputes to arbitration; in others, however, it has precluded them, generating important and unnecessary settlement costs, which could influence the decision of foreign corporations on investing in Ecuador….

…Interestingly, SIAC has taken an extra step to confirm that the tribunal may issue an order or award for sanctions or costs if a party breaches their confidentiality obligations in…

…arbitrators’ signatures on awards, and similar. Finally, the ICAC Schedule of Arbitration Costs was updated and the ICAC Regulations for the Payment of Arbitrator’s Fees and Arbitration Administration Fees were…

…other issues, multiple proceedings increase litigation costs, may lead to delays, create the risk of contradictory decisions, double recovery, among others. It is clear that one of the critical challenges…

…the tribunal deems necessary. The tribunal may also take into account any third-party funding arrangements when apportioning the costs of the arbitration. Although other institutional rules have not addressed this,…

…and overcharges. The 1st ICSID tribunal acknowledged that IPTL had imprudently incurred costs and the tariff was recalculated. Debt Restructuring and SCB HK’s Involvement In 2004, following a renewed invoice…

…the BIT. • The BIT also contains investor obligations and a number of exceptions relating to taxation, labour, health, security, human, animal and plant life, and “national archaeological treasures”. The…

…the mandate is restricted to “common bank investment instruments”? And furthermore, what are “common bank investment instruments”? Are they comprised of security lending? Over-the-counter instruments? Financial futures? One may also…

…Although often unfounded, the belief in such practical inarbitrability of security agreements continues. It is correct that, for those security rights whose enforcement requires the intervention of a court (if…