…well as enhance certainty and security for contracting parties and international arbitral tribunals. This work is part of the Research Project of the National Plan I+D of the Ministry of…

…judgment, imposing costs on the party whose counsel engaged in professional misconduct, taking into account misconduct in weighing evidence, and even excluding counsel from further proceedings (for a survey I…

…alternative valuation methods. Making reasonable estimates of future cash flows requires the expert to support his/her projections of the revenues and costs for the period for which projections are made….

…potentially justify disclosure in support even though this could result in the parties incurring additional costs. 4. It can only be in the rarest of cases that arbitrators should be…

…treatment, full protection and security, most-favored-nation treatment, etc.), while the latter focuses on contractual breaches of a commercial nature, which do not necessarily derive in breach of international law. Tribunals…

…funding; consolidation; preliminary objections and first session; witnesses; experts and other evidence; discontinuance of a case; awards and dissenting opinions; security for costs and security for stay of enforcement of…