…New York Convention on the Recognition and enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (1958).   Modernization of arbitration and virtual hearings The Court held that arbitration has gradually shifted away from…

…disagree on the impact of the Achmea decision on the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). Hope was placed on resolving the disagreement in Novenergia v. Spain, but the Svea Court of…

…The lack of uniformity weakens its undergirding rationale to align EU BIT practice with the Achmea ruling. The Agreement does not apply to the Energy Charter Treaty (“ECT”) (the most…

…in favour of, among others, mediation). Further, in 2016, the Energy Charter Conference adopted a Guide on Investment Mediation to facilitate the ECT parties in deciding whether to opt for…

…led to the seizure and nationalization of the investments in July 2010. The investors subsequently brought a Stockholm Chamber of Commerce arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), alleging inter…

Mexico and the EU recently released a draft text of the upcoming EU-Mexico Free Trade Agreement (the “Agreement in Principle”), including its proposed investor-State dispute chapter. As explained in the…

ECT compensation standard for treaty breaches to ensure consistency and predictability in future ECT cases.   Article 13 of the ECT: A Limited Scope of Application Like other analogous treaty-based…

…the Energy Charter Conference announced its list of approved topics for the modernization of the ECT. The list included several substantive investment protection provisions. This post focuses solely on the…