…(d) confidentiality. Different from the previous UNCITRAL instruments (such as the 1985 Model Law (amended in 2006) or 2021 Expedited Arbitration Rules), these model clauses are for direct use in…

…need for a “tailor-made” way of resolving energy disputes. That would involve (i) specific arbitration rules (such as securities and insurance-specific rules); (ii) procedural tools focusing on time-efficiency, in light…

…the request. Fourth, he argued the application was timely, citing the IBA’s Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration (the “IBA Rules”), which provide that the Tribunal may…

…of winning justice. This is unfair. We need to end these corporate courts now! Rights for people, rules for corporations.” Letter from the Stop ISDS movement to the President of…

…close consideration. With respect to emergency relief, he acknowledged that although arbitration rules increasingly provide for emergency relief, there is generally more comfort in resorting to the courts for such…

…of any agreement between the parties or specific legal provisions, the arbitral tribunal has the discretion to determine the relevant rules. The only constraint is that these rules must not…

…that prevented Chinese arbitration institutions from accepting investor-state arbitration cases. As noted, several leading arbitration institutions in the PRC launched investment arbitration rules, i.e., SCIA Rules Article 2(2), CIETAC Rules,…