…case was an ad hoc UNCITRAL arbitration under Argentina-UK BIT (AWG Group Ltd. v. The Argentine Republic (“AWG”)). This post will focus on the three ICSID committees’ annulment decisions and…

Consent has long been accepted as the cornerstone of arbitration, until recently. The evolution and expansion of arbitration brought about diverging opinions on the consensual character of arbitration. For example,…

…of Procedure for Arbitration Proceedings, ICSID Additional Facility Rules if the former do not apply, UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules or any other rules agreed the parties. Constitution of First-instance Tribunal and…

…the German Institution of Arbitration (“Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. – DIS”). Due to the alleged breach of the distribution agreement by the Plant, Lugana initiated arbitration proceedings accordingly. The…

…cyber security vulnerabilities, which can result in major harm to the parties involved in an international arbitration. In 2018, the White & Case – Queen Mary International Arbitration Survey: The…

…as well. The day involved discussions by prominent practitioners on the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration, recent developments in ICC arbitration and the history and continued progress of arbitration in…

In December 2017 South Africa brought into law its first piece of legislation dedicated to international arbitration, the aptly named International Arbitration Act of 2017 (the New Act). The New…

…market position within Europe, two major European arbitration institutions namely the VIAC (see previously on Kluwer Arbitration Blog) and the DIS (see previously on Kluwer Arbitration Blog) each introduced new…