…the new regime, including by drawing comparisons to Hong Kong’s regime, and also analysed whether costs orders made by arbitral tribunals should consider the impact of alternative fee arrangements.  …

for 9% of the total costs of the arbitration. For the period 2017-2021, the average tribunal costs were USD 992,486. It included administrative costs and the arbitrators’ fees and expenses….

…international peace and security perspective (read more about asset freezes here). Since this is an issue that, from his perspective, needs to be addressed by the UN Security Council –…

…signed, the Devas-Antrix agreement had become mired in controversy, and the government rescinded the contract with Devas, arguing that national security required rescission. The arbitral tribunal ruled that only part…

…certain discretion on deciding the impact of AFAs on costs orders. AFAs take many forms, including CFAs and DBAs, and involve different degrees of costs consequences. It does not appear…

…the enforcing jurisdiction. The corollary would be higher costs, and time expended in a contrived game of international cat-and-mouse. Finally, for policymakers, it is undesirable for the differences between the…

…of the FATF Recommendations may bear onerous compliance costs. Low noted that the FATF Recommendations have affected financial institutions most directly and that there has been extensive enforcement in the…

…references have often been cursory, with little to no elaboration or reasoning.2)See, e.g., WIIFM, Inc. d/b/a Liberty Lock & Security v. Doorbusters Lock & Safe, LLC f/k/a Liberty Lock &…

…the inquiry being the outer bounds of how far one could go in suggesting the parties settle; (iv) an arbitration agreement that allocates costs for the prevailing party and to…

The Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei and Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy co-hosted the annual Taipei International Conference on Arbitration and Mediation during the Taiwan Arbitration…

…and reducing the need for intermediaries; offering greater liquidity and enlarged (global) access to investments; facilitating fractional ownership; enabling faster transactions; and offering “the advantage of tokenomics”. Additionally, security tokens…