…(iv) reshaping the normative framework governing TPF and security for costs. Ms. Argac also emphasized the need to select counsel, arbitrators and experts who have a thorough understanding of these…

…and equitable treatment”, one of the most common protections in investment treaties. Other protections like “full protection and security”, “most favoured nation treatment”, and the “umbrella clause” are also absent….

…not prejudge the merits (e.g., measures aimed at preservation of evidence or production of documents or security for costs). According to Sébastien Besson, the notion of provisional measures has evolved…

…projects, limiting damages to some costs. From Mr. Kirtley’s point of view, more problems arise when the quantity of available resources cannot be ascertained. For instance, if a social protest…

…to determine who bears the costs for environmental measures. States are trying to shift the costs of those environmental regulations to the investor by canceling the deals made with them,…

…proceedings and excessive costs, (iv) too-systematic use of experts, (v) “americanization” of the proceedings, (vi) l’entre-soi, and (vii) doubts regarding certain arbitrators’ and counsels’ conduct. Against this backdrop, the speakers…