…revision, but if the moving party loses it compensates the other party for costs associated with the application. Professor Whitesell discouraged adopting the proposal, arguing that the opt-in is unnecessary,…

…technology posed a security threat. Moreover, in January 2021, Huawei submitted a Notice of Dispute to Sweden, asserting that the government’s decision banning the company from participating in the country’s…

…Actual x (P Actual – C Actual)]* *(Q = quantities, P = price, C = costs) In addition, Ms. Carey cautioned that probation standards for causation and proof of reasonable…

…practices in the maritime community. The SCMA adopts a self-administered model of institutional arbitration, similar to that of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (“LMAA”). Parties only pay costs to the…

…indemnity costs shall generally be awarded to the successful respondent to ensure that the appellant carefully considers any appeal. Where the appellant is unsuccessful, indemnity costs will serve to compensate…

…consideration the need to make sustainable and renewable energy available, and that international investment arbitration allows foreign investors with the capital and expertise to have legal security to invest in…

…clauses are unimportant. Rather, it means that the arbitral tribunal is empowered to deal with the issue as it sees fit. This could entail parties incurring additional costs and delay…

…The Honourable Chief Justice Andrew K. N. Cheung GBM. Crypto: Tomorrow’s Security, Currency, or Asset? “Tomorrow’s” Arbitrator: Views from The Honourable Charles N. Brower. Closing remarks were made by Mr…

…claimant’s ability to cover adverse costs in light of the risk of a funder overextending funding. It also appears to be non-controversial that there are legitimate issues around disclosure for