…at *23-25.) Addressing other policy positions advanced by FedEx, including the costs and efficiency of international arbitration compared to U.S.-style discovery, the Sixth Circuit summed up that “none of the…

…implementing appropriate measures for ensuring security of the personal data processed (Art. 32 of GDPR), etc. Whether arbitrators being part of the same tribunal are joint controllers under the meaning…

…or lack thereof, by developing countries within the context of international treaty disputes. In essence, this reasoning is mainly motivated by the growing concerns around the costs and duration of…

…most of them, the arbitration costs the institutions charge would be regarded as part of the state revenue, while their operating costs are sponsored by the government financial budget separately….

…the geopolitical storm have been given. The Japanese government and media tend to emphasise security concerns, namely on-shipments of such chemicals with potential military applications to North Korea, violating multilateral…

…legal advisors to reduce costs and other “institutional barriers” to pursuing formal dispute resolution procedures. Nissan’s UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules claim in 2017 under the India-Japan FTA is even bolder, as…

security has important practical consequences.   Deprivation of the Investor and the Sole Effects Doctrine One approach to determining whether expropriation was in breach of international law focuses on the…