…use emergency arbitration proceedings available under certain arbitral rulesets in order to provide for security for a pending claim. Such proceedings can result in an interim order issued within a…

…interest, arbitrator’s power to exercise lien on the award, provision of security for costs, joint and several liability of the parties for arbitrator’s fees and expenses, application of Statutes of…

…example. Whilst the arbitral process is often criticized for its costs, procedural delays, or lack of power against third parties, the question remains whether International Commercial Courts will be able…

…rather than export it as agreed with the concerned investor was an act of necessity which was the only way to maintain Egypt’s security, public order, and stability, safeguard its…

…the advantages of Danish arbitration including: lower DIA costs, pro-enforcement judgments and Denmark’s top ranking in the World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index. Frank Bøggild of Kromann Reumert then…

…granting a temporary stay of enforcement and have conditioned any granted stay on the losing party paying security to minimize potential prejudice caused to the winning party’s interests. Similarly, in…