…a derivative industry-specific arbitration institution such as the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA) could be the way forward by introducing a standardised approach, reducing costs, and increasing efficiency. Such an…

…hypothesis tests, such as the chi-square test of independence that was summarized above, and possibly others. We also plan to explore the costs associated with various input variables (including but…

…Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration, Section B also includes provisions such as Art 14.31 (Transparency of Arbitral Proceedings); Art 14.28 (Security for Costs); Art 14.29 (Consolidation); and Art 14.32 (Third Party Funding)….

…form, and whether the existence of TPF should justify an order for security of costs. Answers to these questions are often situation-specific and formulating abstract rules to address these issues…

…would be willing to pay a higher fee/incur an additional cost with an arbitration institution that provided advice and assistance on appropriate security measures and/or provided a secure platform (or…

…avoid mediation because they fear that preferring settlement to adjudication may make them appear weak, because they are naïve or overconfident regarding the risks and costs of obtaining an arbitral…