…than to clients—garnered the attention of the New York City Bar Association (NYCBA). The practice raised questions concerning compliance with Rule 5.4 of New York (State) Rules of Professional Conduct,…

…a more precise assessment of damages taking into account both historic and future losses. One thing is sure, unless new investment agreements include compensation provisions for non-expropriatory breaches. Chorzow’s legacy…

Arbitration”, which agenda was to analyse the disputes in the buzzing environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) domain, distil the trends and lessons learnt therefrom, and to provide suggestions on the

rules, the Maritime Arbitration Rules of the Asia-Pacific Maritime Arbitration Center (“APMAC Rules”).11)The Maritime Arbitration Rules of the Asia-Pacific Maritime Arbitration Center. Although APMAC’s focus is on maritime disputes, the

…be less concerned to give up peculiarly national legal rules and practices in the proceedings. However, arbitration also aspires to be the preferred forum for users from very different legal

…CBP”) where the arbitrator (mis)interpreted the Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration (“SCMA”) Rules, and did not allow the respondent to call its witnesses. The respondent disagreed with the arbitrator’s decision…

…of the multiple regulatory and legal changes by the Mexican government on energy investments and different investment arbitration scenarios.   The Impact of the New Energy Reform: Clean Energy Certificates,…

…regulatory and legal changes by the Mexican government on energy investments and different investment arbitration scenarios.   State Defense Ricardo Ampuero, former President of the Special Commission for Investment Disputes…